
Examples of output descriptors are:

addr(<address>)                      Outputs whose scriptPubKey corresponds to the specified address (does not include P2PK)
raw(<hex script>)                    Outputs whose scriptPubKey equals the specified hex scripts
combo(<pubkey>)                      P2PK, P2PKH, P2WPKH, and P2SH-P2WPKH outputs for the given pubkey
pkh(<pubkey>)                        P2PKH outputs for the given pubkey
sh(multi(<n>,<pubkey>,<pubkey>,...)) P2SH-multisig outputs for the given threshold and pubkeys
tr(<pubkey>)                         P2TR
tr(<pubkey>,{pk(<pubkey>)})          P2TR with single fallback pubkey in tapscript
rawtr(<pubkey>)                      P2TR with the specified key as output key rather than inner
wsh(and_v(v:pk(<pubkey>),after(2)))  P2WSH miniscript with mandatory pubkey and a timelock

In the above, either refers to a fixed public key in hexadecimal notation, or to an xpub/xprv optionally followed by one or more path elements separated by "/", and optionally ending in "/" (unhardened), or "/'" or "/*h" (hardened) to specify all unhardened or hardened child keys.

In the latter case, a range needs to be specified by below if different from 1000.

For more information on output descriptors, see the documentation in the doc/ file.

Argument #1-action

Type: string, Required

Description: The action to execute "start" for starting a scan "abort" for aborting the current scan (returns true when abort was successful) "status" for progress report (in %) of the current scan

Argument #2-scanobjects

Type: json array, Optional

Description: Array of scan objects. Required for "start" action Every scan object is either a string descriptor or an object:

       "descriptor",             (string) An output descriptor
       {                         (json object) An object with output descriptor and metadata
         "desc": "str",          (string, required) An output descriptor
         "range": n or [n,n],    (numeric or array, optional, default=1000) The range of HD chain indexes to explore (either end or [begin,end])

Result---(when action=='start'; only returns after scan completes)

  {                                 (json object)
    "success" : true|false,         (boolean) Whether the scan was completed
    "txouts" : n,                   (numeric) The number of unspent transaction outputs scanned
    "height" : n,                   (numeric) The current block height (index)
    "bestblock" : "hex",            (string) The hash of the block at the tip of the chain
    "unspents" : [                  (json array)
      {                             (json object)
        "txid" : "hex",             (string) The transaction id
        "vout" : n,                 (numeric) The vout value
        "scriptPubKey" : "hex",     (string) The script key
        "desc" : "str",             (string) A specialized descriptor for the matched scriptPubKey
        "amount" : n,               (numeric) The total amount in BTC of the unspent output
        "coinbase" : true|false,    (boolean) Whether this is a coinbase output
        "height" : n                (numeric) Height of the unspent transaction output
    "total_amount" : n              (numeric) The total amount of all found unspent outputs in BTC

Result---(when action=='abort')

Type: boolean

Description: True if scan will be aborted (not necessarily before this RPC returns), or false if there is no scan to abort

Result---(when action=='status' and a scan is currently in progress)

  {                    (json object)
    "progress" : n     (numeric) Approximate percent complete

Result---(when action=='status' and no scan is in progress - possibly already completed)

  null    (json null)