
Note: Use "getwalletinfo" to query the scanning progress.

The rescan is significantly faster when used on a descriptor wallet and block filters are available (using startup option "-blockfilterindex=1").

Argument #1-start_height

Type: number (int), Optional

Description: block height where the rescan should start

Argument #2-stop_height

Type: number (int), Optional

Description: the last block height that should be scanned. If none is provided it will rescan up to the tip at return time of this call.


  {                        (json object)
    "start_height" : n,    (numeric) The block height where the rescan started (the requested height or 0)
    "stop_height" : n      (numeric) The height of the last rescanned block. May be null in rare cases if there was a reorg and the call didn't scan any blocks because they were already scanned in the background.