
Argument #1-psbt

Type: string, Required

Description: The PSBT base64 string


  {                                          (json object)
    "tx" : {                                 (json object) The decoded network-serialized unsigned transaction.
      ...                                    The layout is the same as the output of decoderawtransaction.
    "global_xpubs" : [                       (json array)
      {                                      (json object)
        "xpub" : "str",                      (string) The extended public key this path corresponds to
        "master_fingerprint" : "hex",        (string) The fingerprint of the master key
        "path" : "str"                       (string) The path
    "psbt_version" : n,                      (numeric) The PSBT version number. Not to be confused with the unsigned transaction version
    "proprietary" : [                        (json array) The global proprietary map
      {                                      (json object)
        "identifier" : "hex",                (string) The hex string for the proprietary identifier
        "subtype" : n,                       (numeric) The number for the subtype
        "key" : "hex",                       (string) The hex for the key
        "value" : "hex"                      (string) The hex for the value
    "unknown" : {                            (json object) The unknown global fields
      "key" : "hex",                         (string) (key-value pair) An unknown key-value pair
    "inputs" : [                             (json array)
      {                                      (json object)
        "non_witness_utxo" : {               (json object, optional) Decoded network transaction for non-witness UTXOs
        "witness_utxo" : {                   (json object, optional) Transaction output for witness UTXOs
          "amount" : n,                      (numeric) The value in BTC
          "scriptPubKey" : {                 (json object)
            "asm" : "str",                   (string) Disassembly of the public key script
            "desc" : "str",                  (string) Inferred descriptor for the output
            "hex" : "hex",                   (string) The raw public key script bytes, hex-encoded
            "type" : "str",                  (string) The type, eg 'pubkeyhash'
            "address" : "str"                (string, optional) The Bitcoin address (only if a well-defined address exists)
        "partial_signatures" : {             (json object, optional)
          "pubkey" : "str",                  (string) The public key and signature that corresponds to it.
        "sighash" : "str",                   (string, optional) The sighash type to be used
        "redeem_script" : {                  (json object, optional)
          "asm" : "str",                     (string) Disassembly of the redeem script
          "hex" : "hex",                     (string) The raw redeem script bytes, hex-encoded
          "type" : "str"                     (string) The type, eg 'pubkeyhash'
        "witness_script" : {                 (json object, optional)
          "asm" : "str",                     (string) Disassembly of the witness script
          "hex" : "hex",                     (string) The raw witness script bytes, hex-encoded
          "type" : "str"                     (string) The type, eg 'pubkeyhash'
        "bip32_derivs" : [                   (json array, optional)
          {                                  (json object)
            "pubkey" : "str",                (string) The public key with the derivation path as the value.
            "master_fingerprint" : "str",    (string) The fingerprint of the master key
            "path" : "str"                   (string) The path
        "final_scriptSig" : {                (json object, optional)
          "asm" : "str",                     (string) Disassembly of the final signature script
          "hex" : "hex"                      (string) The raw final signature script bytes, hex-encoded
        "final_scriptwitness" : [            (json array, optional)
          "hex",                             (string) hex-encoded witness data (if any)
        "ripemd160_preimages" : {            (json object, optional)
          "hash" : "str",                    (string) The hash and preimage that corresponds to it.
        "sha256_preimages" : {               (json object, optional)
          "hash" : "str",                    (string) The hash and preimage that corresponds to it.
        "hash160_preimages" : {              (json object, optional)
          "hash" : "str",                    (string) The hash and preimage that corresponds to it.
        "hash256_preimages" : {              (json object, optional)
          "hash" : "str",                    (string) The hash and preimage that corresponds to it.
        "taproot_key_path_sig" : "hex",      (string, optional) hex-encoded signature for the Taproot key path spend
        "taproot_script_path_sigs" : [       (json array, optional)
          {                                  (json object, optional) The signature for the pubkey and leaf hash combination
            "pubkey" : "str",                (string) The x-only pubkey for this signature
            "leaf_hash" : "str",             (string) The leaf hash for this signature
            "sig" : "str"                    (string) The signature itself
        "taproot_scripts" : [                (json array, optional)
          {                                  (json object)
            "script" : "hex",                (string) A leaf script
            "leaf_ver" : n,                  (numeric) The version number for the leaf script
            "control_blocks" : [             (json array) The control blocks for this script
              "hex",                         (string) A hex-encoded control block for this script
        "taproot_bip32_derivs" : [           (json array, optional)
          {                                  (json object)
            "pubkey" : "str",                (string) The x-only public key this path corresponds to
            "master_fingerprint" : "str",    (string) The fingerprint of the master key
            "path" : "str",                  (string) The path
            "leaf_hashes" : [                (json array) The hashes of the leaves this pubkey appears in
              "hex",                         (string) The hash of a leaf this pubkey appears in
        "taproot_internal_key" : "hex",      (string, optional) The hex-encoded Taproot x-only internal key
        "taproot_merkle_root" : "hex",       (string, optional) The hex-encoded Taproot merkle root
        "unknown" : {                        (json object, optional) The unknown input fields
          "key" : "hex",                     (string) (key-value pair) An unknown key-value pair
        "proprietary" : [                    (json array, optional) The input proprietary map
          {                                  (json object)
            "identifier" : "hex",            (string) The hex string for the proprietary identifier
            "subtype" : n,                   (numeric) The number for the subtype
            "key" : "hex",                   (string) The hex for the key
            "value" : "hex"                  (string) The hex for the value
    "outputs" : [                            (json array)
      {                                      (json object)
        "redeem_script" : {                  (json object, optional)
          "asm" : "str",                     (string) Disassembly of the redeem script
          "hex" : "hex",                     (string) The raw redeem script bytes, hex-encoded
          "type" : "str"                     (string) The type, eg 'pubkeyhash'
        "witness_script" : {                 (json object, optional)
          "asm" : "str",                     (string) Disassembly of the witness script
          "hex" : "hex",                     (string) The raw witness script bytes, hex-encoded
          "type" : "str"                     (string) The type, eg 'pubkeyhash'
        "bip32_derivs" : [                   (json array, optional)
          {                                  (json object)
            "pubkey" : "str",                (string) The public key this path corresponds to
            "master_fingerprint" : "str",    (string) The fingerprint of the master key
            "path" : "str"                   (string) The path
        "taproot_internal_key" : "hex",      (string, optional) The hex-encoded Taproot x-only internal key
        "taproot_tree" : [                   (json array, optional) The tuples that make up the Taproot tree, in depth first search order
          {                                  (json object, optional) A single leaf script in the taproot tree
            "depth" : n,                     (numeric) The depth of this element in the tree
            "leaf_ver" : n,                  (numeric) The version of this leaf
            "script" : "str"                 (string) The hex-encoded script itself
        "taproot_bip32_derivs" : [           (json array, optional)
          {                                  (json object)
            "pubkey" : "str",                (string) The x-only public key this path corresponds to
            "master_fingerprint" : "str",    (string) The fingerprint of the master key
            "path" : "str",                  (string) The path
            "leaf_hashes" : [                (json array) The hashes of the leaves this pubkey appears in
              "hex",                         (string) The hash of a leaf this pubkey appears in
        "unknown" : {                        (json object, optional) The unknown output fields
          "key" : "hex",                     (string) (key-value pair) An unknown key-value pair
        "proprietary" : [                    (json array, optional) The output proprietary map
          {                                  (json object)
            "identifier" : "hex",            (string) The hex string for the proprietary identifier
            "subtype" : n,                   (numeric) The number for the subtype
            "key" : "hex",                   (string) The hex for the key
            "value" : "hex"                  (string) The hex for the value
    "fee" : n                                (numeric, optional) The transaction fee paid if all UTXOs slots in the PSBT have been filled.