
The available balance is what the wallet considers currently spendable, and is thus affected by options which limit spendability such as -spendzeroconfchange.

Argument #1-dummy

Type: string, Optional

Description: Remains for backward compatibility. Must be excluded or set to "*".

Argument #2-minconf

Type: number (int), Optional

Description: Only include transactions confirmed at least this many times.

Argument #3-include_watchonly

Type: boolean, Optional

Description: Also include balance in watch-only addresses (see 'importaddress')

Argument #4-avoid_reuse

Type: boolean, Optional

Description: (only available if avoid_reuse wallet flag is set) Do not include balance in dirty outputs; addresses are considered dirty if they have previously been used in a transaction.


Type: number (int)

Description: The total amount in BTC received for this wallet.