
Argument #1-private

Type: boolean, Optional

Description: Show private descriptors.


  {                                 (json object)
    "wallet_name" : "str",          (string) Name of wallet this operation was performed on
    "descriptors" : [               (json array) Array of descriptor objects (sorted by descriptor string representation)
      {                             (json object)
        "desc" : "str",             (string) Descriptor string representation
        "timestamp" : n,            (numeric) The creation time of the descriptor
        "active" : true|false,      (boolean) Whether this descriptor is currently used to generate new addresses
        "internal" : true|false,    (boolean, optional) True if this descriptor is used to generate change addresses. False if this descriptor is used to generate receiving addresses; defined only for active descriptors
        "range" : [                 (json array, optional) Defined only for ranged descriptors
          n,                        (numeric) Range start inclusive
          n                         (numeric) Range end inclusive
        "next" : n,                 (numeric, optional) Same as next_index field. Kept for compatibility reason.
        "next_index" : n            (numeric, optional) The next index to generate addresses from; defined only for ranged descriptors