
Argument: none


  {                              (json object)
    "blocks" : n,                (numeric) The current block
    "currentblockweight" : n,    (numeric, optional) The block weight of the last assembled block (only present if a block was ever assembled)
    "currentblocktx" : n,        (numeric, optional) The number of block transactions of the last assembled block (only present if a block was ever assembled)
    "difficulty" : n,            (numeric) The current difficulty
    "networkhashps" : n,         (numeric) The network hashes per second
    "pooledtx" : n,              (numeric) The size of the mempool
    "chain" : "str",             (string) current network name (main, test, signet, regtest)
    "warnings" : "str"           (string) any network and blockchain warnings