
Argument: none


  {                                                    (json object)
    "version" : n,                                     (numeric) the server version
    "subversion" : "str",                              (string) the server subversion string
    "protocolversion" : n,                             (numeric) the protocol version
    "localservices" : "hex",                           (string) the services we offer to the network
    "localservicesnames" : [                           (json array) the services we offer to the network, in human-readable form
      "str",                                           (string) the service name
    "localrelay" : true|false,                         (boolean) true if transaction relay is requested from peers
    "timeoffset" : n,                                  (numeric) the time offset
    "connections" : n,                                 (numeric) the total number of connections
    "connections_in" : n,                              (numeric) the number of inbound connections
    "connections_out" : n,                             (numeric) the number of outbound connections
    "networkactive" : true|false,                      (boolean) whether p2p networking is enabled
    "networks" : [                                     (json array) information per network
      {                                                (json object)
        "name" : "str",                                (string) network (ipv4, ipv6, onion, i2p, cjdns)
        "limited" : true|false,                        (boolean) is the network limited using -onlynet?
        "reachable" : true|false,                      (boolean) is the network reachable?
        "proxy" : "str",                               (string) ("host:port") the proxy that is used for this network, or empty if none
        "proxy_randomize_credentials" : true|false     (boolean) Whether randomized credentials are used
    "relayfee" : n,                                    (numeric) minimum relay fee rate for transactions in BTC/kvB
    "incrementalfee" : n,                              (numeric) minimum fee rate increment for mempool limiting or replacement in BTC/kvB
    "localaddresses" : [                               (json array) list of local addresses
      {                                                (json object)
        "address" : "str",                             (string) network address
        "port" : n,                                    (numeric) network port
        "score" : n                                    (numeric) relative score
    "warnings" : "str"                                 (string) any network and blockchain warnings