
These can potentially be used to find new peers in the network.

The total number of addresses known to the node may be higher.

Argument #1-count

Type: number (int), Optional

Description: The maximum number of addresses to return. Specify 0 to return all known addresses.

Argument #2-network

Type: string, Optional
Default=all networks

Description: Return only addresses of the specified network. Can be one of: ipv4, ipv6, onion, i2p, cjdns.


  [                         (json array)
    {                       (json object)
      "time" : xxx,         (numeric) The UNIX epoch time when the node was last seen
      "services" : n,       (numeric) The services offered by the node
      "address" : "str",    (string) The address of the node
      "port" : n,           (numeric) The port number of the node
      "network" : "str"     (string) The network (ipv4, ipv6, onion, i2p, cjdns) the node connected through