
Optionally filter to only include txouts paid to specified addresses.

Argument #1-minconf

Type: number (int), Optional

Description: The minimum confirmations to filter

Argument #2-maxconf

Type: number (int), Optional

Description: The maximum confirmations to filter

Argument #3-addresses

Type: json array, Optional

Description: The bitcoin addresses to filter

       "address",    (string) bitcoin address

Argument #4-include_unsafe

Type: boolean, Optional

Description: Include outputs that are not safe to spend See description of "safe" attribute below.

Argument #5-query_options

Type: json object, Optional

Description: Options object that can be used to pass named arguments, listed below.


  [                                (json array)
    {                              (json object)
      "txid" : "hex",              (string) the transaction id
      "vout" : n,                  (numeric) the vout value
      "address" : "str",           (string, optional) the bitcoin address
      "label" : "str",             (string, optional) The associated label, or "" for the default label
      "scriptPubKey" : "str",      (string) the script key
      "amount" : n,                (numeric) the transaction output amount in BTC
      "confirmations" : n,         (numeric) The number of confirmations
      "ancestorcount" : n,         (numeric, optional) The number of in-mempool ancestor transactions, including this one (if transaction is in the mempool)
      "ancestorsize" : n,          (numeric, optional) The virtual transaction size of in-mempool ancestors, including this one (if transaction is in the mempool)
      "ancestorfees" : n,          (numeric, optional) The total fees of in-mempool ancestors (including this one) with fee deltas used for mining priority in sat (if transaction is in the mempool)
      "redeemScript" : "hex",      (string, optional) The redeemScript if scriptPubKey is P2SH
      "witnessScript" : "str",     (string, optional) witnessScript if the scriptPubKey is P2WSH or P2SH-P2WSH
      "spendable" : true|false,    (boolean) Whether we have the private keys to spend this output
      "solvable" : true|false,     (boolean) Whether we know how to spend this output, ignoring the lack of keys
      "reused" : true|false,       (boolean, optional) (only present if avoid_reuse is set) Whether this output is reused/dirty (sent to an address that was previously spent from)
      "desc" : "str",              (string, optional) (only when solvable) A descriptor for spending this output
      "parent_descs" : [           (json array) List of parent descriptors for the scriptPubKey of this coin.
        "str",                     (string) The descriptor string.
      "safe" : true|false          (boolean) Whether this output is considered safe to spend. Unconfirmed transactions
                                   from outside keys and unconfirmed replacement transactions are considered unsafe
                                   and are not eligible for spending by fundrawtransaction and sendtoaddress.