
Argument: none


  {                                              (json object)
    "totalbytesrecv" : n,                        (numeric) Total bytes received
    "totalbytessent" : n,                        (numeric) Total bytes sent
    "timemillis" : xxx,                          (numeric) Current system UNIX epoch time in milliseconds
    "uploadtarget" : {                           (json object)
      "timeframe" : n,                           (numeric) Length of the measuring timeframe in seconds
      "target" : n,                              (numeric) Target in bytes
      "target_reached" : true|false,             (boolean) True if target is reached
      "serve_historical_blocks" : true|false,    (boolean) True if serving historical blocks
      "bytes_left_in_cycle" : n,                 (numeric) Bytes left in current time cycle
      "time_left_in_cycle" : n                   (numeric) Seconds left in current time cycle